Challenges as Motivation: Mr. Razced Pagoli’s Empowering Journey

Patricia Louise Aglosolos
3 min readJul 11, 2021

Challenges are part of the journey of success. Even the slightest thing on earth was dared to overcome such hardships. But the question is, how long could you stand it?

Photo by Razced Pagoli via Facebook

Driven by his passion, determination, and perseverance, Mr. Razced Pagoli, an alumnus of Saint Louis University, is now a Disk Jockey (DJ) at one of the best-known radio stations in Northern Luzon, Bombo Radyo.

Back in the days when he was studying, by the influence and persuasion of his relatives, Mr. Pagoli was initially an Engineering student. As he felt there was missing and lack of passion for Engineering, he then decided to shift to Mass Communication. Fortunately, his family is supportive of his decision.

Even after shifting to his dream course, just like an ordinary Communication student, Mr. Pagoli also faced struggles and hardships. He shared his journey of having stage fright, such as being easily nervous and stuttering in front of people. He also added that he was struggling with production and editing videos back then.

Photo by Razced Pagoli via Facebook

“Make challenges as your motivation.”

After saying those lines, Mr. Pagoli shared one of his unforgettable experiences, which made him almost consider quitting his job. He courageously talked about how he faced a cyber libel case in which he has to pay a fine of Php 300,000. The incident occurred during a live broadcast when he inadvertently mentioned the victim’s name in a rape case due to time pressure. This encounter disheartened him and pushed him over the edge that he thought of halting his activities. Propitiously, with the help of prayers and strong faith in Him, Mr. Pagoli’s case was dismissed with the resolution of malice is absence.

As many of us perceived that most wisdom is gained by experiencing different things, it is the same for Mr. Razced. Well, who would have thought that despite his weaknesses he claimed as a student before, he would be a successful DJ?

“I am aiming for more, hindi dapat tumigil, there are a lot of opportunities.”

An optimist and God-fearing man, Mr. Pagoli value success as not having multiple achievements or acquiring trophies and certificates but as what you contribute to society, your family, and the people. He added that his doors are wide open for better opportunities.

“Emotional quotient and Intelligence quotient must be balanced”

When asked what advice he could give to the aspirant media practitioner, he quoted the indelible advice from his former Professor, Mrs. Janet Tibaldo, that EQ and IQ must be balanced. He emphasized that attitude matters in this field.

Photo by Razced Pagoli via Facebook

In conclusion of the interview, these are the things to keep in mind: To avoid mistakes, be cautious. Everything must be balanced, fair, and impartial. Always take two sides, and scripts must be thoroughly proofread. Be wise, not only fast. Aim for accurate content.



Patricia Louise Aglosolos

A public-spirited individual who seeks fairness and transparency